Auto hiding background Apps .. ?


Any recommendations for a software app that auto hides background applications including the Finder?

I've been using something called ASM up until now (which worked very well under OS 10.2.8 but is problematic with Panther ... not sure if it's going to get udated).
The newest version of ASM works perfect in Panther.
As for the Finder, you can just quit it.
I just received an email from Frank (ASM). I was almost positive that I had the latest version installed but after de-installing what I had and re-installing V2.1b5 everything seems to work again. Perhaps I was too quick to jump the gun? This is great software and hard to be without once you get used to it. Also, I upgraded Jaquar to Panther instead of installing clean ... perhaps that had something to do with it? Anyway, all is well now.

This is a great forum with almost instant replies.
Auto-hide background apps? Why not just hold the option key every time you change apps: it's fast, resource-less (unlike an application), and free.