Auto logout of idle users?


Something that I long for in OS X - being a UNIX junkie for quite some time now, is the function of having inactive users logged out after a specified amount of time. I know there are things that will do this - but they seem to log you out after that time period. What I want is to log users out after a period of being idle - not doing anything. Including the user logged in to the console.

Does anyone know if anything like this exists for OS X or how you would go about setting something like this up?
Uh.... I believe there is a Screen saver module called "Log out" or "logout" that will log out the current user for whenever the screen saver is set.... get it at Hope this helps
Thanks, I guess that's better than nothing... Just would be nice to be able to keep my nifty screen saver and still have it do an auto-logout.

My screen saver is set for like 10 minutes, and I'l like the auto-logout to occur after about an hour... oh well. Maybe I should mention this to Apple. I mean, Windows and Unix can both do it... why not those of us on OSX?
You can check the forums at There is a thread on how to add a script to the screensaver to logout or restart the mac