auto system start anyone?


Just thought it would be nice if I could tell my system to startup every morning at 7:00 am. I thought that os 9 would let me do this but it been a while since I used it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Step 1: Boot into OS 9

Step 2: In the Energy Saver control panel, set it to start up whenever you want. That should be pretty straight forward.

Step 3: Open the Startup Disk control panel. Set it to start up to your Mac OS X partition.

Step 4(optional): Back in OS X, go into System Prefs and the Login. Tell it to login automatically.

That'll start up your computer into OS X at the designated time, and log you in.
I am not using Mac OS X but I didn't know you could activate the auto-startup fonction in mac os 9 to boot up in os x. hehe

I did what you said and it didn't work. I'm thinking there must be some kinda unix script or program that will allow scheduled startups.

Thanx anyway,