Autocomplete Software: What do YOU use?


MacOS X User
Hi out there!

I am looking for an alternative to BBAutocomplete. For those who don't know BBA, it is invoked by a Key combo and then searches the aktive (or all open) document(s) to autocomplete the word I just began to write. It is indispensible when writing any kind of code using descriptive (that also means long) variable names.

To give an example: I define a variable "my_long_descriptive_variable". Later, using it again I type "my_" and trigger BBAutocomplete. BBA searches the script and completes "my_" to "my_long_descriptive_variable". Important: I don't have to define that string before; BBA just finds and completes it. I can be sure no typo will lead to an error later, and I can write code instead of variable names.

So far so good.
I am a User of LateNight software's ScriptDebugger, great software. In version 4 Scriptability is not yet implemented. But Scriptability is used to trigger BBAutocomplete!
So BBA doesn't work at the moment and I have to type all those nice variable names by hand. Not funny.

Scriptability will return, but I am really addicted to that autocompletition. So I tried alternatives: Textpander, yType (part of CopyPaste) TypeIt4Me, but all those require to define your string before using some trigger to fill that string in. No "Auto" in "Autocomplete".

So, finally my question:
Does anyone know about a piece of Software, that offers the funktionality of BBAutocomplete as I described, maybe even systemwide?

What do you use for these or similar needs?

Looking forward to your answers,