Automator: Workflow to extract/ delete specified text


Dear All,

Could you please help me find a way / workflow that Automator could use to cut the first 10 and last 10 lines of a text document?

I would like to use this to remove menu bars titles, addition links etc. that I don't need after I used "Get Text from Webpage" in Automator.

My situation is that I have a subscription for a year. This gives me 365 pages that I can click on everyday to read, but I'd rather extract the text from all the web pages in advance and use "Text to Speech" to create a playlist in Itunes and add the text of the web pages as lyrics for each spoken track.

Ideally it would have been perfect if I could extract only text or the main content from the web pages for e.g. Safari Reader content. I have searched wide and far but even curl or readability javascript still includes the additional links I don't need.

These pages are all based on the same template and therefore I think deleting the 1st and last 10 lines from the text files could work.

If there is no way to do this then is there then possibly a way to automatical delete anything above and below certain keywords perhaps for e.g. everything above "Welcome" and everything below "Additional Links"?

I would really appreciate any help on this.

Many thanks,
