Avatar display bug


Official visitor
I noticed today that in OmniWeb, avatars in JPEG format are not displayed correctly. It seems that the vBulletin software sends out a file called "Avatar.php" for files with "*.jpg" extensions while GIF formatted files are sent out as "Avatar.php.gif". The lack of a valid image extension causes OmniWeb to insert a place holder in lieu of the image that should be there...

Whose fault is it ? I would tend to blame vBulletin here...
You might also notice that the Attach File option when posting will not except sit, dmg, gz, tgz, etc which are all used on Macs running 9 and X. The forum is great but the software needs to be improved a bit.
What software is this site using, anyway? I've seen this set of PHP scripts elsewhere, but I've not identified the package.
