Avatar factory

I think i've gotta teach everyone on how to make avatars transparent... (i'm assuming that you use Photoshop and have the image open)

1. Make another image in Photoshop, same size, with a transparent background.

2. Copy and paste the original image into the new image.

3. Select the whitespace you don't want to have in your avatar and delete it.

4. Go to File > Save for Web and play around with the gif settings (note: don't forget to check the transparency checkbox).

5. You're done!
Originally posted by ksuther
wdw, you wouldn't happen to have a copy of the rat that's still white would you? ;)
I wanna screw with it :D

heee wants to sccreewww with it... heeeh heheh eheheh
Originally posted by julguribye
Aquatint, eh?
Well you didn't think I used my natural airbrushing talent did you ? ;o)

Aquatint rocks, and is kind of free. Although I try to register Shareware that I use, I only use aquatint for messing around with people's avatars in my coffee break, so don't feel the need to register it. If I used it for a website for example, I'd pay though.

Bernie :o)
Here is a new avatar for gplex... (100 pixels for use on other boards too;))


  • gplex.gif
    4.2 KB · Views: 21
And for other Chimera lovers that like the color blue...


  • chimavatarglow.gif
    2 KB · Views: 19
Nice thread xoot, but don't get too carried away with your l337 photoshop skillz. I think most people would prefer to use avatars that they made themselves. I know if you touch mine, I'll kill ya :D

And you should use .png. It's both (a) open source and (b) better than .gif. JPEG is still better for photos though... that's my excuse.

-the valrus
LOL thanks xoot, I just hadn't gotten around to doing it yet.
However, how do you like the job I did with vics? he's using it now. :D
Originally posted by macguy17
LOL thanks xoot, I just hadn't gotten around to doing it yet.
However, how do you like the job I did with vics? he's using it now. :D

A bit jagged, but nevertheless good. :)
A personal customized avatar for you, KaneCorp...

P.S.:I did not choose the design for the avatar.


  • kanecorpavatar.gif
    2.3 KB · Views: 12