The Incredible...
This is a quote:
"Oh, and one other thing: In stark contrast to Microsoft's practice with Windows, Apple is introducing family pricing for Jaguar. The company will sell for $199 a family version that can be legally installed on up to five computers."
From here:
Also, read here for the above confirmation:
Now, isn't this AWESOME? You buy Jaguar for what? $40? Nice trick Apple! Now, what about SOHOs and/or business in general? Could you make a similar trick?
"Oh, and one other thing: In stark contrast to Microsoft's practice with Windows, Apple is introducing family pricing for Jaguar. The company will sell for $199 a family version that can be legally installed on up to five computers."
From here:
Also, read here for the above confirmation:
Now, isn't this AWESOME? You buy Jaguar for what? $40? Nice trick Apple! Now, what about SOHOs and/or business in general? Could you make a similar trick?