azureus NAT problem.

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well right now iam downloading quite a stuff with the azureus,which always shows yellow face ,that means NAT problem,becuase of this my downloading
is also very slow,If somebody can help me right from the beginning to the end with all A-Z steps that would be really great,as iam a newbie.
well I have powerbook G4,my router is smartAX MT882,router no is
my IP address is,well Iam running wireless right now,
Pls somebody help me!!
In your router configuration, forward port 6881 TCP to your local machine ( Port forwarding is different for every router, so you may need to consult the manual on how to do port forwarding for your particular router model.
It's actually recommended NOT to use port 6881 these days (see

You'll need to forward one port for every concurrent download. So if you have 5 torrents going at once and your starting port is 50000, you'd need to open 50000-50004. If you only opened 50000, then only your first torrent will get the green light; the others will report NAT problems.

For more info on all of this, including step-by-step instructions on how to configure most routers, see the AzereusWiki NAT Problem page.
There was a _reason_ for me to close your other thread. Read the board rules. No talk about P2P software. Plus: The answers you seek are already _in_ the closed threads, so there's *NO* need to open yet another one. This is a public warning, m'kay?
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