Back to Panther for Me (mail broken)


Upgraded to panther today on two PB's one 1.5ghz Alum and mine, a 667 mhz ti.

Install seemed fine. opened mail for the first time and it did the std import from mail 1 (4500 msgs) all email is there in all the folders. BUT, when i click on a msg, any message, mail unexpectidly quits! Rendering my tiger (home and biz computer) untamed!.

Hope that carbon copy clone to external firewire drive worked well :)

Any thoughts?

I did reboot
Do you have any third party plugins? Like MacGPGP, PGP, GPG, any security / encryption or similar additions? Those could be causing the crash, so if there are some additions you might want to remove or disable them temporarily. ( ~/Library/Mail/ should have a folder called Bundles?)