Ummm . . . er . . . get an External HD and copy the file to it? If they are particularly salacious . . . I mean . . . "important" you can burn a hard copy with a Blue Ray burner which are now relatively cheap.
You should be cloning your drive to an Ex-HD anyways. This will, of course, back up "you." As I have blathered on other threads, I did not use Time Machine since, years ago, it would not make a bootable clone. I have a MacBook Pro--Fear Me! FEAR ME!--so if/when my Internal HD shuttles off this mortal coil and joins the bleeding Choir Invisible, I can boot off my Ex-HD clone and scurry about finding a replacement.
I have been told that Time Machine does make bootable clones now. So . . . you have no excuse!
[Edited to redact various scribal errors, the scribe of which will be beaten.--Ed.]