Backing Up.


I have not posted for some time, but now need some advice! My ancient iMac (c2005) is beyond updating & I am expecting to buy a MacBook (12" Air?) this year. In the meantime I should like to be able to back up all the material on the IMac G5 onto an external disc from where it will be available to the new MacBook when I get it, & also my current iPad Air, preferably via wireless. Is this possible? I fancy WD or Seagate, is there a 'best'? I have found trying to 'get into' WDs site to ask for info tortuous in the extreme. Thanks in advance. Dennis. PS I am in UK.
Either one - WD or Seagate are good products. Once you have your new machine and migrate your files, your iPad will be able to work with the new machine.
Either one - WD or Seagate are good products. Once you have your new machine and migrate your files, your iPad will be able to work with the new machine.
Thanks, but my problem is that of finding an external disc which will both accept the files from the old iMac G4 and be compatible with the iPad & new MacBook. This certainly not possible with a USB stick for example.