Backside cache, upgradable?


Hello everyone! I got guided to this forum by the gentleman who sold my his G5. I was wondeering if the backside cache is upgradable and if so, would it be of any benefit? I ran Techtool Pro's test on cache and it did not list any L3 cache! Does this mean that that socket is empty of a memory chip and can be installed?
I recall on my first Mac, way back when..., I was able to install a 1mb backside cache card. I think the Mac was a 6600?!
My other question is regarding memory itself. After I bought my G5, the first thing I did was purchase 2, 512mb of SDRAM. All the other slots were filled with 128 SDRAMs. My question is, is there a significant speed increase if I were to buy 1mb SDRAM? Does the presence of all those 128 chips slow down the processor?
Thanks for any suggestions.
