Backup advice please.


Yes, I am one of those dummies who didn't back up my important files, then did a re-install followed by days of searching for my emails, bookmarks, mp3's etc. Can anyone kindly advise me of a good backup app? Preferably a FREE one ;-)
A quick search on Versiontracker brought up those as free tools that were rated well by the users:

LaCie Silverkeeper

You could check those out, I have no expirience with those apps at all. Maybe others can comment on how well they work :)
Generally, it's simply important to _have_ a fairly recent backup. While reinstalling OS X and reinstalling all applications can be a hassle (and consume some time), I usually think it's enough to simply have your home folder(s) backed up, because a re-installation is also a chance of getting the "dust out of the system". Your home folder will still contain all the settings/preferences for your apps, even if you re-install them.

I use LaCie's SilverKeeper. While it doesn't sport a really nice UI, it does all it should and works just fine for all I need it. Can even do scheduled backups, although I hate those (my notebook *just* might not be connected to that external harddrive at the specified time...) and rather choose to backup inbetween from time to time. Usually on a daily basis, though, because I'd hate to lose work.