backup not mounting


I have a Western Digital 1TB external drive,running time machine.
It stopped mounting.
If i start in single user mode the prompt says it senses the drive but bla-ba-bla...
is some way up this bugger in shape using terminal?
I have had this same problem with several WD drives

to fix it you need to format to Mac OSX

First you need to partition the drive, even if you only select 1 partition for the whole drive. Then you will be able to format it and it should mount ok
The drive should already be formatted "to Mac OSX" -- i.e., "Mac OS Extended" format -- because he's using it with Time Machine. Time Machine will not back up to a disk that is not already formatted in a Mac-native format.

If you launch Disk Utility, can you "see" the drive in the list of drives on the left-hand side?