Backup strategy and guidance?


I've never used an external HD in my life, and my "backup" experience is limited to burning CD's.

My career has become my G4 as I switched to producing illustrations digitally w/ Painter 7 instead of traditional mediums. So my main back up needs are large graphic files ( 10 to 45 MB, usually ). While working, I save numbered versions in the process, as I work -- my mini backup strategy, so to speak.

I burn CD's of finished assignments and then store them off site (safety deposit box). This strategy is wanting, if (or when ;0)) I need serious backup while working on a piece. Also I can fill up 700 meg CD's pretty darn quick. Also, the burning process itself is slow and tedious. I do not want to fill up my hard drive w/ big files, yet I don't want to drive to the bank every time I'd want to pull up an old job file -- so that would mean burning two CD's for everything (One at home one at the safety deposit box).

So, backing up the large files is priority one, any extra stuff would be a bonus. Sure, I'll spend a few bucks to get a decent backup strategy going (not el cheapo, yet most cost effective is attractive, of course!). So I assume I'm talking about software (Dantz?) and hardware (external hard drive?)?

Again, I have no idea how to most effectively set this up (Then I hear 4 partitions of one's external HD backup!!!?? ;0) )

I hope I've given you experts enough info to guide me to the best "point" on the sliding scale that would suit my needs.

I have to admit, I'd blow my stack if I couldn't recover an illustration I'd put 4 long hour days on. So please help me. ;0)

My current HD is 40 GB (38.35 GB), used 10.25.


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Have you tried Retrospect Express? It can back up files that have just change on a daily basis and also write to CD-R, DVD-R etc.

There are Tape solutions, DAT, Exabyte that can typically handle 12-120gb of data per tape.

Look for a half decent dvd write you can get 5gb of data per disk and use retrospect to control it. but remember also back up your catalogues.

By the way you described it, speed and ease of use is paramount for this. I'd suggest installing a second large capacity drive and use it to keep a copy of your work. There's a few ways, even as advanced as putting in a RAID system if you want to go all out...but that'll be a big $ item.

I'm moving this outta DTP/Graphics to System & Software. It is better placed there, may give you a better response too.
I also want a backup solution but the RAID alternative is pricey. For now, I installed a second HD right inside the tower (couldn't be easier). Made both boot drives and try to keep them close (a nice piece of cheap software would be good).