backup with hfspax to remote tape drive works!


Just a tip for some of you that have both a Mac OS X box and a linux/unix server with a tape drive. Using the latest version of hfspax from

I was able to backup and restore folders on my Mac OS HFS+ volume correctly. I have not yet tried a full restore of the system but will do so when I have time.

Quick HOWTO:

Server: Unix/Linux box with tape drive. Must have ssh,dd and other tape utils like mt etc. I have a SCSI tape drive at /dev/nst0 on the server.

Client: Mac OS X box with ssh, hfspax

To Backup:
hfspax -wv -x cpio files_to_backup | ssh -l user remote_server_address "dd of=/dev/nst0 obs=10240"

Now login to the server and rewind the tape on the server with
'mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind'

To Restore:
ssh -l user remote_server_address "dd if=/dev/nst0 ibs=10240" | hfspax -r

Just keep in mind that the step above restores files in the current working directory and will overwrite any files you may already have in that directory.

hfspax comes with excellent documentation. So please read it.