Bad cache memory!?


Hi folks..

I have a problem with my Powerbook lombard. A week ago it started to freeze on me all the time, I'm using os 9. So I tried every thing, I reinstalled os 9, I tried to install os x, but the same thing happend. total freeze in random places all the time. Then in os 9 I get the error that there's a problem with my cache memory. That's bad, if so i would need a new processor card and that is expencive.
But I know that it might be just a bad ram that can give you the same error so I pulled one of my ram chips out and it seemed to be more stable. My computer continued to freeze up but not so often and I didn't get the cache problem error. So I pulled that one and put in the first ram insted. Now I got total freezes and the cache error again. So ok that ram is most likely a bad one but my powerbook still freezes up on me, it never used to do that before, and today i got the cache memory problem error again.
Are both my ram's bad or do I have to get a new processor card??? I hope not. I don't have a ram that I know is good to test with.
Anyone that have any experience with this problem?
On another note i just moved to the US and my Powerbook is european, when I got here my powercord did not seem to work so I bought a new one, the round model. all the problems started after this.

I really hope that someone can help me out, I'd be modt greatfull.
Sounds like the power cord did some damage. there is a difference in european and US power - which is why the difference in cords. When a US person goes to europe, they have to make sure they get power adaptors so their electrical stuff will work without damage.

My suggestion is to take it in to an Apple tech and have them check it out.
Thanks Cheryl,
i know, but the powerbooks are made to be able to work in usa and europe. The power adaptor can handel both US and Euro watt/amp.

I'm just not sure if there is anything wrong with my power cord.. too much output to the computer so it fried my memory and processor card.... i have no clue.. maby i just have to go in to an apple store and aske them to check it out...
I just opend system profiler and my level 2 cache shows up as 512k!!!!
The spec on a PowerBook Lombard 400mhz is 1mb level 2 cache...
What's up with that??
