Bad Ethernet port


I was hoping to switch from dial-up to a DSL connection for our 5 year old iMac (400MgH). But when trying to hook up the modem, it seems like the ethernet port doesn't work. Is it possible to find a cheap fix? Apparently we can't go USB, or wireless without first connecting through the ethernet (the phone people tell me). I haven't ever opened the iMac up. Is it hard to repair or replace an ethernet port? Could an airport card be put in and used without the ethernet? Any other ideas?
What leads you to believe that your ethernet port is hosed? Have you configured the TCP/IP settings according to the information that they've provided you? Usually they have you set up the computer to receive an IP address dynamically, meaning you have to configure it to use DHCP.

As for an Airport card, you would need to get the older 802.11b version. An Airport Extreme won't work on that iMac.
It's been a process of elimination. The ethernet light doesn't light up on the modem. We've tried the cable and modem on other computers and it worked. Tech support has walked us through the settings so I'm quite sure those are right. How hard would it be to open up the iMac and look at the ethernet port, to see if there's any easy fix?
Have you attempted to zap the PRAM by holding down Apple-Option-P-R afterthe startup chime? You could also open up the cover where the RAM is and push the PMU button located near the RAM. DO THIS WITH THE MAC OFF AND ONLY PRESS IT ONCE FOR HALF A SECOND!!. Don't press it more than once otherwise you can damage the logic board. After you push that button, close everything up and turn it on. Test the NIC and see if it shows signs of life.