bad photoshop cs problems, I've tried everything!!


I am running 10.4.5 on my 500mhz titanium pb.

I can't open any files, or create any new documents in photoshop cs without getting either "could not complete your request due to an program error" or "could not open document due to a program error"

I have tried everything. Throwing out the pref's, re-installing photoshop, repairing permissions (single user boot mode, fsck -fy etc....).... reinstalling the latest system update.

what the hell is going on? please help
I was thinking on buying Photoshop CS. Since Adobe distributes demo, I downloaded it and thought to try it. It did not even install (Powebook; OSX 10.4.5). So I guess there might be something funny with Photoshop CS and Tiger (reason for the demo downloading was that I saw quite a lot of similar messages you wrote).
i haven't had any troubles at all until just a couple days ago when this problem started. I haven't used my computer any differently than I normally do, this problem just randomly came about. I'm about to just do a clean install as nothing solves the problem and I need cs to be working for work.