

Staff member
From the period of 8am-midnight each day, the bandwidth we are on is being maxed out, not just through this site, but other sites are all together maxing it out. We are working to either relocate a few sites or upgrade our bandwidth. The server performs fine, but the bandwidth is an issue we are looking into.
Basically that in the mentioned time-frame, could be a bit slower than expected.
I posted mention in the bugs thread that I get multiple notifications of new posts even though they say I will not be notified again until I visit the board. If others do too, that could be part of the bandwidth problems.

I think the automatic subscription feature is not helpful, at least for myself. I come to the board when I'm able, at least once a day (mostly) I then use the hidden view new posts button :-) and find anything I am interested in.

Since the upgrade I get a lot of notifications. I don't want to turn off the feature (I know I can), but don't need to subscribe automatically to so many threads either.
There are now 5 different subscription methods: not at all, subscribed without notification, subscribed with instant notification, subscribed with weekly notification, and subscribed with daily notification. You can change the default in User CP > Subscriptions, and you can change subscription for any subscribed thread here as well. I just wish there were an easy way to change it for all subscribed threads. I have stopped using email notification to see new threads.

Just so we're all clear, it will send out a notification if you visit the board at all, even if you don't visit that particular thread. So if you have instant notification on for such and such threads, as soon as you visit the board all will be reset and you will receive instant notification of new responses to any of those threads.