Bash login problem

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Hi all,

I installed Mysql on Leopard using the tutorial over at HiveLogic
Everything went fine and I have a working Mysql server.
However if I want to use the Mysql command tool, I have to run . ~/.bash_login every time I open a new Terminal window (I'm using iTerm, but the same happens with, mysql isn't recognized until I do this.
I added the PATH line in bash_login, but it seems like it doesn't gets loaded when I open a new terminal window.
Is there any way to automate this process? What can I do?

Thanks in advance.
I think for some reason (maybe even one I once figured out, but maybe just a dialect thing) os x ignores .bash_login -- I switched to using .bashrc instead and have no problems now.

Hey Joanna, thanks for replying.
I think you're right, after reading the help on bash, I found out it reads configuration parameters from 3 different files when logging in: ~/.bash_profile , ~/.bash_login and ~/.profile
To solve my particular problem, I opened ~/.bash_profile and I inserted the path to Mysql there and it worked :)
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