
I just copied bash 2.0xx from the Darwin disk image.

Check out the instructions for installing the dev tools that you have seen everywhere (I assume) to get the Darwin image mounted properly.

Weird that it was pulled out of the beta by Apple.
yeah, I think they pulled it because it was one of the "John Does" named in the lawsuit 8)
I hear that it was pulled from the beta because of its licensing (GNU type rather than BSD type).

tcsh isn't my favorite but at least they didn't fall back on csh or sh. Nice relics of history, but well past their prime.
good point re licensing

This has actually caused me to believe that inevitably we will need to help create a parallel distribution of Darwin, so that we can have a full range of tools available.

In other words a Darwin distro whose purpose is both to provide a standalone Darwin and a robust BSD/GNU layer to be merged in to OSX after install.
