BASIC in terminal?..

Mac Osxtopus

A friend of mine likes to program in BASIC before he learns C++, but he doesnt have a BASIC compiler. Does terminal have a BASIC compiler just like it does for c++? if so, what is it>? By the way, why did this forum dissapear from I felt so ditched =(.
ahh... remember ProDOS? the OS for the apple ][. it had a built in BASIC interpreter. in fact that is the machine i learned to program in. this thread brings me back.
according to what testuser says, if you use realbasic, you cannot run things from the terminal. if you want to run things from the terminal, follow his first tip. then you would run a program from the terminal thus:

10 input "What is the radius of the circle"; r
20 pi=3.14159
30 c=r*2*pi
40 a=r*r*pi
50 print "The circumference of the circle is ";c
60 print "The area of the circle is ";a
save "circle.bas"

the command to run the basic interpreter is bwbasic