Battery life since Installing panther ...

MacGizmo: Its worth remembering that if you let the battery run until the computer goes to sleep is not completely draining the battery. In order to do that, you have to let it run until it goes to sleep and then keep it in sleep mode until the heartbeat monitor goes out - that's fully drained. The official recalibration only tells you to run until it goes to sleep - at that stage there is still a (albeit small) charge in the battery. So yes, really fully draining it is probably not the best of ideas, but no, recalibration is not fully draining the battery, so its safe :)
Oh - and in response to the original post: I'm running a PB12" (first gen) and am getting about 2:30 - 3:00 hrs battery life. (The latter if I'm not running any network - but normally I'm either tethered to a wired ethernet or untethered at home on my wireless, so I seldomely achieve 3hrs). (Plus, I can only every get 3hrs if I start using the PB contiguously straight from a full charge, because sleep mode drains the damn thing to bloody quick, if you ask me!). :)))
PS: Oh - and I'm still running 10.2.8. So not 100% relevant - but perhaps interesting as a comparison.
Well the results are in.... my battery capacity has improved slitely from 741 Ah to 745 Ah (40 minutes of power)... its sad... very sad... I'm running out of ideas.... I saw someone post that they had left their battery alone for 2 weeks (stored seperatly) and that the problem solved itself.. ... here's me crossing my Fingers !!