battery, maybe virus ? (+ UPDATE)


My Mac is acting up latley, I'm new to them so I have no idea how to fix it. It's a MacBook Pro, 2.16 Intel Core Duo, with 2GB of memory. Here's what it's doing. When it's on, but closed, it makes a noise like it's working the whole time. It doesnt do that when open. There isnt anything running when it does this that I know of, Ive restarted several times. Secondly, when i unplug the battery and use it, the warning "you are now running on reserve battery power" comes up in approximently 30 minutes. It will usually still say it's at 40%, so Im not sure if it dying or just says that, but it is always really hot, like its working extra hard. It isnt one of the recalled battery's. My computer is 7 months old, I dont do anything major with it, mostly just web-browsing and iTunes. Do Mac's even get viruses? I dont have any protection software on here, just what came with it. So what's going on? Is there a way to re-set it? Is that all i need to do? Someone please help, let me know what's wrong and how to fix it, Ive got $3,000 in this thing, I was hoping thatd buy me more that 7 trouble-free months!
First zap PRAM. immediately after startup chime hold down

IF this doesn't work, try resetting the PMU. Take out the battery, and disconnect it from power adapter. Hold down power button for 5 seconds. Wait 30 seconds. REconnect battery and adapter. Power on

You also have a one year limited warranty. You can have it diagnosed free of charge at a genius bar.
thanks for the try, but neither one of those idea's worked. i forgot to mention, the same time all this went wrong, the last letter of the alphabet stopped working as well. A thru Y work as well as ever, but the letter after Y is non exsistent. it feels the same, ive blown it out etc., doesnt appear to be any dirt in there, so im assuming they are related? does that mean anything to anyone? ill try anything? by genuis bar do you mean a MAC store? im a very long way from one of those, i am going to atlanta in a couple weeks, i guess i could take it then....hope to get it fixed sooner though! thanks yall
okay so earlier i posted and ask a question about why my computer Mac Book Pro Intel core duo, always runs when its on and closed, but seems okay when open. And the last letter of the alphabet quit working the same time this happened, A thru Y work fine though. Its not dirt or anything, just doesnt work. Also the battery was running down extremly fast. Well I tried the tip given to me by the helpful folks on here, such as immediatly after starting holding down option+apple+P+R. that didnt work, so I then tried tking out the battery, disconecting the power, holding down the power button, waiting 30 seconds, reconnectiong the battery and power, turning on. still no luck. so now, and i dont know if it was a result of trying those steps, or just the next progression of things to go wrong, but now it wont work at all if its not plugged up! so, what do i need to do now?!? im not very computer literate, escpcially with macs, its my first one, and its only about 7 months old, so im not real happy right now. is this under warranty? if i cant fix it with yalls advice where do i need to take it to get it repaired? no Apple store anywhere close to me, but i will be in atlanta for a few days next week, so i guess i could take it there if that's what i need to do for the warranty! okay im really stressed/upset about this, so please help!!!!!
okay my fault, that was happening becasue i didnt get the battery back in all the way! feel kinda stupid! okay a lot stupid! but....i am still having all those other problems, and have been for a few weeks, so its not just stupidity. sorry for that, but PLEASE HELP!
PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE don't create a second thread if the subject is still the same. Imagine you'd have had another update tomorrow and yet another one the day after. Would we have seen four or ten threads by next week's end? ;) ... Just keep it to this one, I've merged the two now.
okay my fault, that was happening becasue i didnt get the battery back in all the way! feel kinda stupid! okay a lot stupid! but....i am still having all those other problems, and have been for a few weeks, so its not just stupidity. sorry for that, but PLEASE HELP!

have you checked the ENERGY settings ? What are they at the moment. Is the batterij running down quickly when in use (open). And/or is it running down quickly when off (cover closed i guess) ?

Thx, kees
well it says "your energy settings are optimied for high performance current battery charge is 99% current time remaining is 3:09." although that is not true. if i close the lid it will go dead in less than an hour, if i keep using it the battery meter will trickle down normally, but in about 45 minutes the pop up will say "you are currently running on reserve battery power." i will try the calabration in the next few hours when i get chance. thanks for your suggestion. sorry about creating the second thread. it was an update, but i was also going somewhere else with it about getting hot or something, although i guess i never got there. shouldnt have created a new one though, im relativly new to these boards, but i know better, it seemed like i had more to say on a diffrent angle when i started, though! ha. accept my apology, and thanks for your info as well