BattleFront II? Halo 2?


The All-Powerful Pie Nazi
I heard that Halo 2 will be realease on Vista. What about mac? tell me what you heard.

And what about BattleFront II, any news?
Bungie used to be basically mac only. then microsoft bought them.

we were assured that Halo would be a mac game. although we weren't assured that halo 2 would be, i think it will be ported around the same time.
It will be just as delayed as Halo was. When it's out for Vista, I would count at least 1 and a half years on top of that until the Mac version will be remotely finished. Sad but true.

It's not that great of a game though, finished far too fast. My younger brother has it on XBox
Well, if you have an intel mac, you could install Windows on it and play Halo 2 or BF 2..

We will have to deny that we ever knew you, if you do it however.
eric2006 said:
Well, if you have an intel mac, you could install Windows on it and play Halo 2 or BF 2..

We will have to deny that we ever knew you, if you do it however.

haha. i would NEVER do that to my mac.