before it comes....


okay everyone, for all my knowledge about my Apple and about OS X, I stil need to know two things. First is that while I was looking around on (I know I know, I just went ahead and bought the thing, I felt to bad about taking it) Hotline, all the people who posted OS X were saying that it would format my disk and erase all my OS 9 info, will my purchased copy of OS X do that? I'm gonna back up anyways, but I wanna know exactly how much I need to back up. Next question, every one is talking about paritioning their HD. what is that and how do I do it? And, what's more, why do I want to do it? Well if anyone can help please e-mail or IM me, thanks.

-- iRonin
Originally posted by iRonin
all the people who posted OS X were saying that it would format my disk and erase all my OS 9 info
They are totally incorrect. That is absolutly not necesaryy and neither the Hotline nor the CD version will require that. It is adviced though to format your HD (or partition) It is known to really speed up OSX. And of course you should always backup before you do things like this.

Next question, every one is talking about paritioning their HD. what is that and how do I do it? And, what's more, why do I want to do it?

Partitioning is creating two or more virtual Hard disks from you current homedisk. Lets say you have a 20Gb disk. You can divide that disk into 1 of 10G and 2 of 5Gb drives. You will then see three drives on you desktop. It reduces the risk of losing all your information on a disk when something goes wrong. Only the partition that is the houses the cause might get lost, but the other partitions are often uneffected.

You will have to reformat your drive.
Boot from your System CD. Now choose Drive Setup from the CD (don't exactly know which folder it is in). Select you drive and choose your HD.

And then, oh. Classic won't allow me to do this. I would have to go back to OS9.

Well maybe you'll figure it out on you own. Simply look trough some menus or try to initialize the disk (Maybe that generates an options window, don't remember anymore).
