Beige G3 SCSI 'conflict'?


I am trying to put a bigger drive in a beige (revision 3) 300mhz.

Here's the situation right now:

The new 80 gig western digital ATA/IDE is in and has OS X and 9.2.1 on it. This machine's internal CD-ROM is mostly dead. But it has had an external SCSI CD_RW for years (laCie) which worked fine.

When the computer is running OS X I can hook up the external drive and it is happy. When I BOOT in OS 9.2.1 it also works as long as the drive is NOT connected. If I shut down and hook up the SCSI and power up I get a the 'dong' and then the 'glass breaking' sound. Then if I disconnect the drive the G3 continues to do the 'glass' thing everytime I power up. But, it seems, that if some time goes by (long time) It's ok again.

So, what reset or whatever don't I know about. And does anyone know of a currently made CD-ROM that can be swapped out for the original internal (ATA/IDE). Also why is the SCSI CD-RW not working with 9.2.1 when it always worked with 8.6 and now works with X?

thank you

It works now. SO forget the whole thing.

I would still like to know if anyone nows of a current CD-ROM to replace the internal, though.

thanks again, richard S.
as far as i know you should be able to use any mac compatible IDE cd rom drive. from my understanding, the beige G3s do have to have the device set to master if you plan on booting from them though.
Look here for reader reports on drive compatibility:

You can select the kind of drive you want, interface type, and model of computer, and it'll tell you which drives are compatible. If you have about $100 to spend, you could slap in a Pioneer DVR-107, which would get you CD/CD-R/CD-RW/DVD/DVD-R/DVD-RW compatibility, and it's natively compatible with OS X 10.3.
Just about any standard IDE drive will work. I've moved tons of them through mine (to test the drives), never found one yet that didn't work ok with it under 10.1.5. Just a few that didn't work period...but they were junk and didn't work on a PC either.

The current drive (has been for many years) is a Yamaha 16x CD-R, has worked like a charm under 10.x and 9.x as long as I've had it. Check out's page...they have a few that they guarantee to work.