Best Alternative OS for a Mac Classic II?


I've recently begun playing around with a Mac Classic II (HD-40MB, RAM-4MB) that ended up in my possession. It's fun to run system 7 in black and white and all... but what's the best alternative OS I can run on this thing? Probably some form of unix, eh? Would linux with a GUI be too much to ask? And how would I go about installing an OS and games on it, considering I have only the internal floppy drive? (The SCSI Zip drive won't work with this Mac, since the mac seems to be too old)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I would go with NetBSD (

It's UNIX-alike, much like linux, but one of the core goals of the NetBSD project is to run on as many different architectures as possible. If anything is going to run on your Classic II, it'll be NetBSD. You also have a good chance of running X11, check the NetBSD web site for info on your hardware. (I would bet you can get that zip drive working...)

If you are interested in programming in a UNIX environment, NetBSD is a much better choice than linux, IMNSHO. The combination of centralized control (linux is a kernel, NetBSD is an operating system) and a strong emphasis on clean design and implementation make NetBSD an ideal academic environment. Plus, OSX's BSD layer means much of what you learn in NetBSD will be applicable to OSX.

I have deployed quite a few NetBSD servers as intranet and internet servers in a variety of roles. There was some initial resistance from management, but when they saw I could take a P150 or a Powermac6100 off the junk heap and run a mailserver for a few hundred people, they saw the light....

The one con versus linux is that the user base is smaller. Seems like you can't open a web browser without finding linux HOWTOs... resources for NetBSD are somewhat more modest, but between the website and the mailing lists, there are plenty of smart people ready to help. The all text install may be a bit of a shock if you've never tried a free *NIX before, but it's nothing an experienced mac user couldn't handle (heck, it's no worse than your average PC BIOS).

Regardless, the more I think about it, I'm pretty sure your choice will be NetBSD or nothing. Linux is pretty intel-centric..... I wouldn't put money on there being a 68K linux..... ah, and a quick trip to shows me that this mahcine is supported "console only" meaning no video. So there you go, it's either that or OS7 :)

hope this helps...

That site sends me in so many loops my head spins. There is no drect link to download the version you want! I have scoured the site and can not find it! I am also interested in getting NetBSD to run on some of my Macs. (Both PPC and 68k) but all I get is links to pages I was laready at. Someone please redesign the site to WORK RIGHT! Or tell me where I can find the afore mentioned installations. Link to the page they're linked from! PLEASE! I'm desparate!
Ok, now that I seem to have found the FTP section. What exactly o I need to download? I don't wanna have to recompile anything. I just wanna double-click and install. No thinking about it. But I have no idea what files to download!
Start with the installation instructions for mac68k if you haven't seen them already.
A word of warning: this isn't going to be point and click by any means; the classicII is only supported in console mode, which means a serial terminial connection. On the other hand, our previous exchange prompted me to do a little searching, and this is pretty much your only alternate OS. Just be forwarned that this project will be well into the hobbyist realm (though you may well have with a capable server in the end...)
A SCSI Zip drive WILL work on your Classic II, I've used mine on both my original Classics and even my Mac Plus! You just need to find an old enough copy of the driver. If you would like I could e-mail it to you or something cuz I have it. (it's probably ~50k)
:D It works? Oh joy of joys! yes, please email me the driver, thank you thank you! (Click the link in my profile to email me.)

Hi Folks,

Have you tried System 6.08L? Stable, quick and lots of support on the web for these old machines.

Not really an "alternative" os per se but certainly makes the Classic II a useful machine. Boots in a few seconds and REALLY honks. Ah the good old days when you could boot, do some work, crash and REboot all in less time than OSX takes to get you to the login screen!
