Best Browser for 10.5.5


Glad I found this site - looks promising.

I have an iMac running OS X 10.5.5 and recently signed up for ATT DSL. Part of the installation is having the ATT Yahoo home page. It seems ATT email uses different versions of their email depending on what browser launches the email app. I know this because we also have an iBook running OS X 10.4.11 and the latest Safari for Tiger as well as Camino and depending on which browser we are using we get a different looking page. The one presented to Safari on 10.4.11 looks to be an older version with less functionality.

So, my question - any experience with Camino running under 10.5.5? Any reason not to? Any suggestions for other browsers? :confused:

Thanks in advance.

Nothing wrong with running Camino on 10.5.5
Other browsers for your Mac?
Internet Explorer (dead on the Mac, eh?)
There are also other browsers, some intended for specialized uses, or for browser testing.

FireFox is one that a lot of folks use and like. Some of the others are good, also.
You will find that some pages load, and show a different appearance. Some will be completely compatible, and look good. Others will not show pages in the same way. That's not necessarily a bad thing. But whoever has designed a web page, usually expects it to look a particular way. Which browser is better? Depends on your own experience, and what you like.
The advantage to FF is it is easily modified with add-ons and Greasemonkey.

You can do that to some extent with Safari, but it requires a few more hoops.

I have been told you can do the same thing with Opera.

Camino and FF both run fine with 10.5.5 - you can try with the long list of available browsers too but the chances are if there is something where it would work if it fails in Safari, try Camino of FF first.
Thanks all, I downloaded Camino last night and it works fine. I get the email page looking the way I wanted. I decided for Camino for consistency since it is already on the iBook.