best e-mail client

As much as I complain about mail I do always end up going back to it. I just wish it had a built in address book and calendar similar to entourage. I dont much care for the OSX address book.
i absolutely love it is one of the nicest mail clients i have ever used (i would put KMail in second place). i am really displeased with s IMAP support. it seems to be sort of brain-dead. i am hoping that they make it a little more reliable in the next release, because i really love using

i wanted to try Eudora, i understand that it is carbonized, but they made the installer a classic app. and my computer has been classic free for months now. so maybe it will run under OSX, but i can t install it. oh well. mozilla is just rotten, i can t understand why i keep seeing people extoling mozilla on this message board. i think it is useless as a mail client and a web browser. since on principle i won t use MS products, that leaves as my olny choice. perhaps i will see if i can get KMail to work on OSX.
I'm voting for, mainly because it integrates perfectly with GnuPG (A PGP encryption implementation available for OS X) and handles HTML rather well.
I keep finding things to like about Now that I finally have fetchmail, procmail, and SpamBouncer set up and running (finally had some free time), I finally found a great use for some of the "expert" features of

On the other hand, Pine still has it's place when I'm away from home or too lazy to open

Has anyone tried Evolution. It's available through the unstable branch of Fink, so I was thinking of having a go with it.
Reluctantly, Entourage. I prefer Mail's look and interface, but I came across a few things I couldn't do (can't recall them now). I think it involved attachments or something. Also, I check email at work and home and even thought I set my settings to delete off the server, they kept showing up again, so I finally got sick of it and went back to Entourage. Defintely could be some user error in there, I admit. Also, I use ET's task and calendar features, so that comes in handy.

Actually, now that this thread's got my attention, I'm going to give Mail another go and see if it holds up.
Originally posted by Admin
Entourage is my friend.

I have to agree with Admin. I have been using entourage since I first got my mac. I havnt been able to change over without griping. It just has to many usefull features. I just cant see myself paying the microsoft price for office X when all I want is the e-mail client!
OK, I just set up Mail to reconsider using as main app. Couple questions:

1. can you set upa pref so that when you type in a partial address in Compose mode, it fills the rest NO MATTER WHAT PART YOU TYPE? For example, Entourage sucks at this too, if I want to send an email to and I type in "apple" in the "To:" field, it's not smart enough to filter to the steve account, you HAVE to start with "steve". This is stupid. I want to see every single account with the letters "apple" in it, like what Quicken does with quickfills. It continues to infuriate that programmers can't put in such obvious common sense things. Also, what I hate about Entourage is that you have to pick a separate tab when doing a search on a Name vs. a Company. Just let me enter letters and show me what matches no matter what it is!!! Argh. (edit: OK, I see that in Address Book, you CAN search/filter as I wish, so why the hell can't I do the same directly in Mail?)

2. Entourage contacts import is incorrect. Work zip replaces work phone and other errors. Anyone know of any easy way to fix this? Manually readjusting each field is lame.

3. For backup, I noticed the Mail app files are in Root/Users/Mycomputer/Library/Mail (or Addresses). Are those the only two folders I need to backup to make sure my mail and addresses are backed up? Is ther yet another buried folder somewhere? I don't mind "preferences" being not backed up, but I want to backup my email and contacts. That was the nice thing about Entourage in that all its data was self contained in the Microsoft User Data folder.

I have to say, I'm once again enjoying MAIL. It's so much slicker than ET.
I love how the Apple webmail looks the same as ( Of course I will use when I'm at home but its just so intuitive in a way I wouldn't have thought of to have the webmail the same as

In case you haven't looked at it before, go check this new thing out. It is FREAKIN awsome. Seeing that last night totally made my day.
I use for e-mail and love it, I use Address Book for storing my contacts and it does a great job, and I use Palm Desktop for scheduling/reminders, does the job well. No need for security risk bloatware from Microsoft with this setup, and the cost of setup for all of this is $0, no way I'm giving Microshaft $500 for Office virus X with all of it's security hole goodness, it'd be too much like using Windows again!