best tool for creating a digtal portfiolo Non flash



I have just got a client that is wanting a photograph portfolio. They want the means to view the pictures, and to be contacted by the viewers about the licensing of the use of the pictures. Via email.

What would be the best tool for doing this? I have no experience with Flash, so this isn't really an option. I was thinking of doing a picture gallery, (Coppermine, or Gallery) but if you can think of a better idea i would be glad to hear it.


well, these are kinda of non-technical and highly simplified ideas, but you could build on them quite a bit if they're of any interest:

use the photoshop automated task to create a web photo gallery. let it do all the 'heavy lifting' and then modify it as needed. (though the Photoshop CS version has some pretty awesome templates included that allow comments, etc)

use a weblog. customize it for the client so it's to their look/feel/functionality liking, and then they can easily upload and manage their gallery themselves.

those are just my initial thoughts. again, simple, but with some great possibilities depending on how you work with them...

hmm i only have a copy of PS 7.0 - any where i can get a 30day trial of CS?

Web blog.... what would you suggest?

i don't think Adobe does any free trials, but don't quote me. 7 has the automated tasks, but the templates may not be as full featured as in CS...I don't remember anymore.

as for weblogs, there are so many to choose from now.
TONS of info there.

blogger is simplest and most hands-off for weblogs (IMO)
MT is/was great, but since charging $ for the newest version, I haven't tried (and know a lot of people have switched away from it)
I use TextPattern now, and it's pretty awesome. really feature rich, but simple to use.
Well I'm going to look for a trial on a CD or something. Do you think you could put together something to show me the extent of the new features of CS?

As for CMS, the client doesn't want to use a blog, they don't like them :confused: So it looks like a Photo gallery of some sort with a site on the front.


Another thing you could do is make an interactive PDF. they can have transition effects, clickable hotspots to other areas in the document, email or web as well as flash or quicktime.

For web based portfolios/site using Dreamweaver templates built so your client can edit them with contribute is pretty slick. I have done 4 sites like that over the last year and the client loves it. they can edit the site with minimal computer skills without messing anything up. you could build a template displaying a table with some thumbnails or whatever and through contribute they can edit or add photos through repeating regions etc.... macromedia does have 30 day trials as well and the software is fairly inexpensive.
hmmm, how would i make a interactive PDF? and would there be a way that the client could make a PDF, FTP it and it would be come interactive?

As for DW not an option, as i don't have a lot of money to spend.
hmm, lack of cash is always the hurdle. I have done them in Adobe Indesign CS.
that link shows you a few things. there is a 30 day free trial for it and you can always pass the cost off to your client. if i need software, i just tell them to do what they want I need this piece of software and ask them to buck up. sometimes it works sometimes not.
hmmm if im going to be buying any thing it will most likely be Photoshop CS or Golive CS or both :D however, i will look into it.

What i need is a way of the client being able to update the portfiolo themselves
Hi Adam. I designed a photo gallery / portfolio for a client some time ago. Really basic, just html, a bit of JavaScript, and Fireworks for the graphics, but you could use Photoshop as well. Take a look, the url is:

I'll be happy to send you the source code if it's any help.

Go here, and go near the bottom of the page to download a photoshop CS demo, after viewing an intro flash:

You could set the client up with a PayPal account and have people send their orders that way, or do it the right way and set the client up with a shopping cart, which is really what they want and need in this case. You just need to know .asp and or .net (c sharp, maybe?) to get this done. Hire a web programmer to help you with this back-end part. It will be worth it to your client.
Ian: Thank you very much that is exactly what they want :D The source code would be very helpful :) - you will get credit.

Is there any way to make it so that the client can update it himself? PHP?

Natobasso: The client wants to arrange sales via email, not via Pay pal/ S.Cart, although it is a good idea.

Thanks v much
Browni said:
Ian: Thank you very much that is exactly what they want :D The source code would be very helpful :) - you will get credit.

Is there any way to make it so that the client can update it himself? PHP?

Hi Adam, could you please give me your e-mail address and I'll send the code over to you. You don't have to give me credit for it if you don't want to.

Yes, you could use PHP to create a content management system with PHP uploads for your client. I'm currently "trying" to do that for a client at the moment - it isn't easy though, not for me anyway. I know there are some people on this board who are experts with PHP though, I'm sure they'll be able to advise you better than I would.
