Lo all. I have about 4gbs of stuff on my iBook (images, files, DMGs, etc...) and I need to back them up to my Windows PC which has much more space, so i can format the ole iBook.
What's the best way to do this and keep all needed resources, etc.?
There's a command-line tool called hfspax that will archive directories and files (including resource forks and Finder information like comments) into a single file. This is nice because Windows doesn't allow all the filenames that OS X does.
My Win98 box only allowed for 2GB files, but fortunately hfspax, when it gets to that point, pauses itself and asks you for a name of a second file with which it can continue.
I don't think hfspax does any compression.
Finally, I can't remember where to get hfspax, but you might find it at www.versiontracker.com.
Sorry it's not more elegant. (command line and all)