Best way to copy MANY files ?? Mac to Mac


Hi there,

I need to copy about 30,000 important files over a network.

I tried using the Finder and it says there were some that could not be copied. I tried using cp recursive and I got a lot of "resource is busy", yet, I was able to open the file in question and there seemed to be no problem with it..

I'm trying to create archives of the folders now

can someone tell me the most fullproof way to copy the files over ??

or suggest what I should do.. ???

it's about 25Gb of info

thanks :)
To repeat the user's question: How to copy 25 GB over the _network_. The destination device is already defined, no HD or iPod necessary. The question's about how to _copy_.

I'd personally use LaCie SilverKeeper, a free backup tool. It'll try to copy everything but won't choke if single files won't get copied, it'll just inform you in a log about what didn't get copied.
As long as the network connection is relatively stable, enable remote login, and ssh to the other mac and then copy the files over. cp or cpmac.
thanks guys.. the connection is SUPER stable and fast, but the other machine is a server and I'm not an admin... I actually seem to be having some luck with the Finder right now.. fingers crossed...

One other question.. is there a way to chage the permissions of a folder so that even you can't set it back to read/write for you ????

I'm connecting to a generic shared volume and creating folders that I don't want anyone else who has the same login/pass for the shared folder to be able to edit the folders... is that possible or MUST it be done by an admin on that machine?
You can try to do apple-I and set permissions there. Otherwise, you could use a locked-sparse image, which will encrypt your data from a password.