Best way to enlarge small pic for use as wallpaper?


If I have a pic that is, say, 640 X 480 and I want to enlarge it to 1280 X 1024, what does a better job of performing the resize?

Letting Leopard stretch the wallpaper, or enlarging it myself on Photoshop?

If Photoshop is the answer, should I do Nearest Neighbor, Bicubic, Bilinear, Bicubic Smoother, or Bicubic Sharper during resize?

Thanks for your help,
Enlarge it yourself in photoshop, but do it in stages.

Usually, if you enlarge by 25% or so each time up to your desired size, you can help minimize the jagginess that occurs as your PS app tries to interpolate pixels. Leave the resize mode on whatever the default is.
Enlarge it yourself in photoshop, but do it in stages.

Usually, if you enlarge by 25% or so each time up to your desired size, you can help minimize the jagginess that occurs as your PS app tries to interpolate pixels. Leave the resize mode on whatever the default is.

I always wondered if doing it in steps would have any impact on the final result!! Thanks for that tip!! Will do!!
Cool! Glad it was helpful. Has to do with the scaling algorithm used. It likes as little guesswork as possible to do it's job. You're basically feeding it an elephant in smaller bites. :)
Enlarge it yourself in photoshop, but do it in stages.

Usually, if you enlarge by 25% or so each time up to your desired size, you can help minimize the jagginess that occurs as your PS app tries to interpolate pixels. Leave the resize mode on whatever the default is.

So I am trying to record a macro to enlarge image by 105% each time I hit whatever key combination I choose. The record macro button is disabled. But lovely Photoshop won't tell me why. Do you have any idea why the macro record button would be disabled?

User-friendliness still has a long way to go, even on Mac...

Thanks for your help,
Do you have a file opened and layer selected?

Yep, even duplicated the layer for good measure.

Then deleted original later.

I wish these greyed out buttons would tell you WHY they're greyed out when you try to use them.

Thanks for your continuing help,
Can you post a screenshot of how far you get in this process while still having the 'record' button be grayed out?