big problem with 10.5.1


Dear All,
I've just updated my macbook to 10.5.1. After the update I got an error message saying that I had to push the power button because a general error occurred. I did it, and when I restarted my mac, it went into the procedure to initialize the computer (the one you get when you turn on the computer for the first time!). I was very worried, but I followed all the steps of the initialization. The problem is that when I finish the initialization, it goes again into the initialization from the first step. My initialization procedure is in loop! I don't know how to go into the normal system. I cannort skip the initialization procedure. I tried to zap the PRAM, but it didn't work.

Any idea?

Is there a way to start the Mac in Safe Mode? If so, is it possible to uninstall the update (something similar to the Windows "restore")?

To boot into Safe mode just hold down the Shift key when booting. However if you did just an Upgrade of Leopard a lot of people have been having problem with third party add-ons. So Install Leopard again but do an Archive & Install. This will install a new clean Leopard but put your previous system in a special folder so you can get data from that folder before you delete it. Archive & Install is usually the best way to update OS X if you want to keep your Applications but don't want to have those Applications to interfere with the install.
Apple recommends that you start in "Safe Mode", and when you reach the login window, click restart (you may have to click "Back" first if you end up at the password screen). That'll let you start normally without the Setup Assistant starting.