Biggest file?


How can I find the biggest file on my disk? I tried to make a backup with CCC and Apple Restore checked. Now my harddrive rune out of memory and I had to abort the backup.
BUT there is some kind of temp file still there taking all my "free" memory of 19Gb of my harddrive that I can't find. So if I can find a way loking for this big files I can find it and delete it.
In the Terminal:
find . -size +1024 -print

Finds every file larger than 1Mb, the size is in Kb , you probably want a bigger value if you are just interested in the really large files.

The "find" command search from your current directory, so if you want to search the whole drive you should first go to the root of the file system with:
cd /

To avoid permission conflicts when searching the whole disk you should "sudo" the command:
sudo find . -size +1024 -print

(sorry not a native speaker, i always get mixed up when to use large or big :)

Incidentally, your use of "large" (vs."big") was fine. They're generally interchangeable. "Large" may be better in more formal language. There is one expression that I can think of at the moment, "It's no big deal" (informal) where you wouldn't use "large."


P.S. Or was that too much information :)
Thanks dktrickey, I'm glad that I was not wrong this time.

I'm used to getting this kind of information, my girlfriend is a linguistic scientist, speaks 7 languages and is a perfectionist.
So I get a lot of "friendly advice" and "help" from her all the time, but I love her anyway. :)