Billionth PC to Be Sold

He simply doesn't "think different". Like every other rich american, he's a greedy money-machine and a pure egoist.
Unfortunately, because of your blindness caused by your relationship to Apple Computer, and by your lack of knowledge to Apple Computer's history, you, like many other Mac fanatics, think Steve Jobs is a God and completely perfect.
He DOES think Different.

so what if he's a greedy money machine and pure egoist? why should that stop us from buying great products of which he contributed to?

I don't think Steve Jobs is God nor perfect at all. Just because someone takes advantage of the American Way, and changes the world while making great stuff in the process (not to mention a lot of personal gain :)) doesn't make him bad or evil.
Originally posted by xaqintosh

He DOES think Different.

so what if he's a greedy money machine and pure egoist? why should that stop us from buying great products of which he contributed to?

I don't think Steve Jobs is God nor perfect at all. Just because someone takes advantage of the American Way, and changes the world while making great stuff in the process (not to mention a lot of personal gain :)) doesn't make him bad or evil.

So you think it's ethically right that Steve Jobs, who sits in an office all day commanding his coworkers, earns more than 50000 times more than a russian industry worker working 12 hours a day?
It is really not his fault that Russia was communist for so long and is still recovering from it. America has been capitalist for a long time, and if you work hard enough, why shouldn't you be rewarded for it? the whole Russian thing has nothing to do with this anyways...

(Note: I am part Russian)
Originally posted by xaqintosh
It is really not his fault that Russia was communist for so long and is still recovering from it. America has been capitalist for a long time, and if you work hard enough, why shouldn't you be rewarded for it? the whole Russian thing has nothing to do with this anyways...

(Note: I am part Russian)

I don't think you took my point.

Let's reformulate it;
"So you think it's ethically right that Steve Jobs, who sits in an office all day commanding his coworkers, earns more than 4000 times more than an american industry worker?
Who cares if it is ethnically right? I don't care about Steve, I care about Apple's products. As long as they make great products, we have nothing to worry about.

Sheesh. :rolleyes:
xoot: maybe, but KSV has a point

ksv: the problem isn't really with Steve though, its with Capitalism. I sincerely believe that Communism actually would work if those in charge had done it right the first time instead of screwing it up. the problem is then there is nothing to strive for, you can never get rewards or anything for doing better than you do right now, so why even try?

just my thoughts...
Originally posted by xoot
Who cares if it is ethnically right? I don't care about Steve, I care about Apple's products. As long as they make great products, we have nothing to worry about.

Sheesh. :rolleyes:


Yeah, and who cares about those poor people in chinaland? Not my problem that hundreds of millions of people strive to get a minimum of food to survive. As long as I live in a rich country , everything's fine :rolleyes:
Who cares if it is ethnically right? I don't care about Steve, I care about Apple's products. As long as they make GREAT products, we have nothing to worry about.

If this is so true, then what would be the difference between Apple and Microsoft?

I assume you've confused ethnically with ethically. Even if you haven't, exploiting the ethnicity of a country or race isn't ethically right either.

Microsoft makes GREAT products. Office and Windows 2000 are GREAT products. IE is a GREAT product. XP would probably be a better product if home consumers didn't demand so much hokey crap be stuffed into it.

Microsoft makes GREAT hardware. Their mice and keyboards are some of the best in the consumer market.

Microsoft is a GREAT company. It is rock solid finacially and literally drives are economy.

So if ethics have no bearing on purchasing from any specific company. Why the f*ck are people like you constantly bashing Microsoft and for who they are, a GREAT company according to your standards?
Originally posted by ksv
Yeah, and who cares about those poor people in chinaland? Not my problem that hundreds of millions of people strive to get a minimum of food to survive. As long as I live in a rich country, everything's fine :rolleyes:

But can you change anything there?
True, there is nothing much WE can do about it. btw xoot, did you mean "ethically" or "ethnically"
Is that his personal site? Very good.

Anyways, make a "Heated Discussions" folder in your bookmarks and add this thread to it, although it is not so heated anymore.

Here is Steve's Resume. From it, he seems like a nice guy. But if you read "The Second Coming Of Steve Jobs," you will be proved wrong.

Any more disagreements? :D
Originally posted by xaqintosh
True. I couldn't have picked a better person myself (except, of course, for me)

xaq, you are very self-centered. But that is ok.

A recent study in Scientific American says that people predicted that they will ddonate half of their $5 salary to charity, while others would donate $1.83. Actually everyone donated an average of $1.73.

Sorry for the double-post, but i'm really starting to get informative. :)
1. Yes, I am VERY self-centered, I can't help it. It happens when you're the oldest of 6 kids and don't even have your own room :(. I'm also very competetive and possessive. And Informative. And Intelligent. And Humble ;).

2. I need to read "the second coming of Steve Jobs" how is it?
The book is great. It contains an inside view of Steve's life. And how he is a tyrant. Adn how he is charismatic. And Hervy. :p
and what dose this have to do (at all) with the billionth PC (which by now is probably) sold?
Apple Pays 1 dollar as salary to Steeve Jobs....BUT and i underline BUT if you read the company shareholders procedures you will notice that near the voice salary there is a BONUS... and Jobs get over 40 million dollars as BONUS from Apple.... so next time before your research ;) you will be impressed on how wrong you can be