.bin Files

Gilbert Taylor

Ive just downloaded WindowsMediaInstaller.bin for Firefox (on the mac).

It seems the mac doesnt recognise Bin files, it opens them in silly programs (today it tried Excel). this has happened for every .bin file ive downloaded.

anyone know why? or what to do to make these work..
'Ive just downloaded WindowsMediaInstaller.bin for Firefox (on the mac).' - a 'Windows Media Installer' binary file for 'Firefox' (for the Mac)? Or are you trying to stay - you downloaded the 'WindowsMediaInstaller.bin' file with 'Firefox', on a Mac?

'It seems the mac doesnt recognise Bin files, it opens them in silly programs (today it tried Excel). this has happened for every .bin file ive downloaded.' - have you assigned another application, such as 'StuffIt Expander', to perform the de-encoding process?

'anyone know why? - no.

'... what to do to make these work.' -
01. Click on a '.bin' file and do a 'Command I'.
02. Select the ('Get Info' window's) 'Open with:' popup menu and select (or browse via the 'Other...' menu item to) 'StuffIt Expander'.
03. Click on the ('Get Info' window's) 'Change All' button, and the related alert box 'es 'Continue' button.