

since upgrading to 10.2.3 i had to reinnstall BitchX after configuring and make;make install i got the message
"BitchX is now installed.
Type "/usr/local/bin/BitchX-1.0c19" to start."

so now to run it i have to type "/usr/local/bin/BitchX-1.0c19" instead of simply BitchX (when i just type bitchx i get 'command not found) as i did in 10.1.5, is there something i did wrong or a way to fix this?
You have to set your path properly in your .cshrc file

set path = ( \
~/bin \
/usr/local/bin \
/usr/local/sbin \
-- Add more here

Also add an alias to BitchX-1.0c19 by adding

"alias BitchX-1.0c19 bx" in your .cshrc file

that way you just do a bx, instead of BitchX. Easy.
I'm having the same problem. I believe I used a tutorial from when i installed it before, sadly it no longer exists.

Could you please explain where I find the .cshrc file. I was looking in my home folder but its not there. I'm sorry, but I'm a unix newb.

Also, Is this the same place where we input what we want our irc name to be and where we edit the default servers?

Not sure if this has been answered....
You can find you .cshrc in you home directory. ls -a should list it since it is a hidden file ( preceeded by a dot)

To see what your current path is you can type echo $PATH. If you don't see the path to BitchX listed then you will need to add it. Edit your .cshrc with your editor of choice.

You can pass the variable such as irc name etc. via .cshrc or .bitchxrc.

Hope this helps :)