Blender maker shuts down

The Mac OS X beta was SOOOO good too. I really hope some other company buys them.

This is a sad day.

Sadder than Be to me caus at least Be got bought.
what a learning curve. I thought Lightwave was a difficult applicaiton to learn. Blender was the hardest application to get a grip on. Without a manual, there's no way to intuitively figure out how to operate it.

I wish Apple would purchase NaN. I'm sure Apple could get them for peanuts, and the coup they would achieve by getting a very powerful 3D tool for next to nothing would be big. Apple could put it's engineers on the task of making Blenders interface intuitive, turn around, and sell it as a Mac only program.

But I'm sure they won't. Blender will probably languish and die, which is a very sad thing.

As far as blender's interface goes, I too struggled with it at first. But then I started reading how-to's and stuff, and I realized how good it is. Once you get used to it, you realize how nice it is (like unix kinda...).

Boy, if apple purchased them, it would really make my day!

However, I think apple wants to encourage Maya and C4d, Lightwave, etc. And Apple might see this as counter-productive....

this is just so sad. that company was really cool.