Bluetooth and Ink appear in System Preferences - Hardware


Apple Avid
I opened System Preferences, and all of a sudden, there was the scrolling bar on the right hand side. I knew I cleared up all the 'Other' section PreferencePanes I did not need, and therefore there was no need for the extra bar on the right. Then I noticed an extra line under the hardware section. Bluetooth and Ink PreferencePanes were there! I tried to take a screenshot, but it was acting all funny. I clicked on the actual panes, and it brought me to the right place. Now I don't have a Bluetooth module, or an Ink pad, so I don't know how they appeared. I quit and relaunched, to try to take the pic again, yet they were still there, and my computer wouldn't let me take a shot! I logged out, and back in...the same thing!!! Then System Preferences resized itself automatically, to a smaller size, I tried expanding it, but it wouldn't budge - I believe it froze. I then quit, and reopened, and they were both gone. I don't know how in the hell they got there if I didn't install them. Anyone else have something like this???
what 'other' pref panes do yo have installed. i just saw this was a known issue with one of them but i can't remember which one. it was reason enough to keep me from downloading it. might have been an unsanity one, but i'm really not sure. having just gotten jag, i was hunting allaround for updated versions of stuff and new stuff i couldn't try before so it's all a blur to me at this point.
Try to create a PreferencePanes folder under your Home > Library. It should fix your probelm.
You don't have to install these pref panes, the Bluetooth and Ink show up if you have the relevant hardware, they are part of Jaguar install. Look in your system/library/preferencepanes. Should be invislble to SystemPreferences without that hardware atttached, I think EdX has a clue here, might be an Unsanity Haxie (or another app that affects your Prefs) throwing you a curve. even if you can see the Pref panes, you may not be able to open them.