bluetooth cell phone


I'm kinda new to the macosx - I have a 15" powerbook g4 - I'm looking for cell phones that the laptop can link thru bluetooth - any recommendations on the best one out there? is it really worth the trouble?


"link thru" as in

1.) The mobile phone uses the PowerBook as an internet gateway?
2.) The PowerBook uses the mobile phone as a modem?
3.) Synching the mobile phone's contacts and calendar items with the PB?

I'm not aware of a way to do number 1, but the other two can be achieved with the phones listed on Apple's webpage about iSync: ...

When you pair the devices, the Mac asks you what services you want to enable, after that, everything's fine, normally.

But what do you really want in a cell phone? I personally want good iSync integration, and the Sony Ericsson phones as well as the Nokia S60 phones have that. I stay clear of anything else lately.
I have a Sony Ericson Z520a (Cingular version) and I am VERY happy with it. Haven't used it as a modem, yet, but I did used to do that with my Siemens S56 (which, software-wise, was okay, but the physical assembly was crap. German engineering my ass! :p ).
I find all of the Sony-Erriccsson phones work incredibly well with the Mac. iSync is flawless, file transfers are easy, and using the phone as an internet gateway (expensive, but some people do it) seems to work well. I have the T610 and highly recommend this series (though you'll want something newer, the T610 has been around for a few years now).
i'm looking for the option to use the mobile phone as a modem for my power book - is that something thecell phones can do - does it hbave to be a
"smart phone"
Doesn't have to be a smartphone at all. In fact, the "simpler" phones often pose less problems. I'm using a Sony Ericsson Z520i (I think that's pretty much the same as the "a" version, but "international" instead of "american" or something...). Perfect iSync-ing, works perfect as a modem (using GPRS here).
Lots of great info at on phones, attributes, etc. Give that a try!

FWIW, I have a Moto E815 that syncs perfectly out of the box using iSync. I can also use bluetooth to connect my PB to the internet. Might be wise to check providers as well as phones for the best solution for you.

Good luck!
ja2661 said:
is it really worth the trouble?
I use my Motorola phone as an Internet connection for my iBook. It's great to be able to connect when I'm away on vacation without needing a land line. It's also nice if you are in a rest stop or airport and don't want to pay for high-speed Internet access in those areas.