Bluetooth Mouse FCC approved!


Microsoft's bluetooth mouse and keyboard were approved by the FCC. Finally -- a bluetooth mouse!

If the next gen PowerBooks have integrated bluetooth on them this will be very cool. Also great with bluetooth adapter. Anybody else heard of any bluetooth mice or keyboards?

I have to say, I really think MS keeps the rest of the industry on its toes with its mice. More options, more buttons, more better.
i have a wireless IntelliMouse Explorer... What Can this 'effectively' do, that mine cannot?! < Sigh > i assume u Still gotta Chuck endless AA's into the damn thing, thats the next Step!!! ...until then Wireless Mice and Keyboards, by contrast if IR equivalents seem 'almost' pointless, although, as someone mentioned, moving with present technology is a nice thing, but in my case, i'd like to see newer technology implemented in a more featured manner, than its pre-decessor!

exactly, we need

Wireless Energy Distribution!

til then, I'll stick with my "corded" input devices.
Originally posted by xaqintosh
I think it is only for Windows...
Actually, if you scroll to the bottom of that page, it says OS X 10.1 or higher. My corded Intellimouse Explorer is finally starting ti wig out and almost due for replacing.. might consider getting one of these puppies, err, mousies.
Why do system requirements require a USB port? For the Bluetooth tranceiver? Man I sure hope Bluetooth goes the distance and the tranceivers go onboard internally.
Look, I live in Sweden and i see the stock´s every day. If i were yu i wouldn´t count on Ericsson to much because there under 6 Swedish KR (less than a dollar). The were at most about 140 swedish KR.

So what i say is:
-Ericcson is going to the bottom! :-(

Unless all the macusers buy Jaguar and help them before it will lose all there company :eek:
Originally posted by macfreak88
Unless all the macusers buy Jaguar and help them before it will lose all there company :eek:
Appologies in advance for my ignorance, but how does this relate to wireless mice, microsoft, or especially Jaguar? I don't see the connection? How will Mac users not buying Jaguar make 'lose all there company'? I thought Ericcson made cell phones.
major problem with wireless mouse? Batterys....

Apple style solution? place a lithium ploymer battery with like 20 hours of life in it, and have a styleish charging cradle for when not in use...
Originally posted by zerorex Apple style solution? place a lithium ploymer battery with like 20 hours of life in it, and have a styleish charging cradle for when not in use...
And one mouse button.. :D

The mouse is always the first thing to be replaced on my Macs.. and usually at the same time as I'm setting up a brand new Mac. One button mice might have the appearance of simplicity, but that reality disappeared around the same time Apple introduced contexual menus.. anyone that says otherwise has never used a multi button mouse for any length of time. I love my 5 button (w/wheel) Intellimouse Explorer, and would be hard pressed to downgrade.
Originally posted by GrBear
Appologies in advance for my ignorance, but how does this relate to wireless mice, microsoft, or especially Jaguar? I don't see the connection? How will Mac users not buying Jaguar make 'lose all there company'? I thought Ericcson made cell phones.
I think he's referring more to the iSync capabilities of Bluetooth than the many other applications for non-cellular Bluetooth devices.
Originally posted by swizcore

I think he's referring more to the iSync capabilities of Bluetooth than the many other applications for non-cellular Bluetooth devices.

Yes, I look forward to the day I can backup the data from my mouse. ;)
If Ericsson goes down, You´ll not be able to buy new cell phones from them , and no use for iSync (if your not already have an supporting ericsson mobile for it ;) ).

So that is the bad thing. But i rather hope on Nokia´s technologi Finnsih rules (in some way...:D
Originally posted by GrBear
And one mouse button.. :D
anyone that says otherwise has never used a multi button mouse for any length of time. I love my 5 button (w/wheel) Intellimouse Explorer, and would be hard pressed to downgrade.

I have used a multibutton-mouse for some time but i prefer my pro-mouse.

I don't need 3 lasers, 8 buttons and 3 scrollwheels - and btw. the Intellimouse Explorer is plain ugly
Originally posted by hazmat

Yes, I look forward to the day I can backup the data from my mouse. ;)
heh :)
Im mostly interested in merely the Rendevouz Bluetooth stuff like auto printer detect, iTunes playlist sharing, wireless this wireless that. Im not into synching stuff yet but if it becomes available I probably will realize it was something Ive always wanted and never knew. Just like Apple always does, right.
Ive used quite a few multi button mice, and I too stick to the pro mouse. I will admit adding a second button for the control+click stuff would be nice, but my hands are always close enough to the keybord to press the key. IMO anything beyond 2 is over kill.
Are you sure it's Bluetooth? I didn't see the word Bluetooth anywhere in the product's pages.

Originally posted by rharder
Are you sure it's Bluetooth? I didn't see the word Bluetooth anywhere in the product's pages.

You know, I was wondering the same thing. I don't understand how you would have a bluetooth mouse, since everything in the area would pick it up, like if you had a few computers.