Bluetooth networking


hello, need a little help. I have a Mac PowerBook G4 with Mac OSX 10.4.11. the Mac only has Bluetooth, I also have a Pc with Bluetooth on Xp.

what I want to do is to link my Mac -(BT) to PC (BT) which i have connected to my wifi network.
My issue is on the Mac I dont see an option for networking via bluetooh only modems or other.

Any help on this would great.

Happy New year everyone!
Why not just network your machines using wifi? It will be MUCH faster.

Just hit command + K on your mac and browse for your pc machine.
Hi Natobasso thanks for the suggestions, while the topic was interesting its something i am already doing. the issue is to use the PC as I would say a mobile phone and use the BT from the MAc to link to the BT on the PC and then bridge the connection to my wifi. that way my mac is no the network and also on the internet .. like a PAN to a WAN...
anyother places I could look for help ?
Not sure what you want to do really. But if you want, you could start Internet Sharing on your mac and then your pc logs into the mac to use it's wireless internet.