Bluetooth phones for OS X?


Mac Ninja
I'm about to get a bluetooth phone. Is the Ericsoon T68i the only one that will work? Or will any standard bluetooth device work? I am most interested in iSync (contact / address book), and using it as a remote-control.

my Sony Ericsson P800 works very nice with the bluetooth adapter for transfering videos and photos. but it doest work with iSync yet
but i read on THINK SECRET that iSync 1.1 (about to be released)will support newer phones
Originally posted by solrac
I'm about to get a bluetooth phone. Is the Ericsoon T68i the only one that will work? Or will any standard bluetooth device work? I am most interested in iSync (contact / address book), and using it as a remote-control.


I would chose ANYTIME the VERY SOON to be released Sony Ericsson T610 which is from the get-go compatible with both Wintels and Macs and rules as a mobile device anyways... :p

And even if its compatibility turns to be basic stuff, with the up and coming iSync, T610 and other "new" mobiles will work more than fine :D ;)

Hopefully... :rolleyes:

actually the T610 has come out. (at least in sweden it has) my cousin has it. its great.

i would advise u to get it :)
I just got the Nokia 3650 ( - $299 with $299 rebate, so essentially for free)...

Transferring images, video, business cards, and files to/from the phone works just fine. iSync support isn't there yet. It's rumored to be in the next release due out either later this month, or when Panther ships. So all I'm really missing out on right now is the to do list/calendar items synching, which I can live without temporarily.

After having this phone for a couple of days, the whole idea of a PDA seems silly now. This phone does everything I wanted my PDA (Handpspring Visor) to do, plus images, tiny video clips, color display, and a smaller form factor than my PDA.

Advice to anyone with a PDA... Dump it, get a bluetooth enabled phone... You won't regret it...
Series 60 phones are great, I have to agree. (Nokia 7650, 3650, upcoming Samsung, Siemens SX1...) I sure hope that Nokia will release a smaller form factor Series 60 phone, too. The Samsung looks cool, but every Samsung I've ever tried felt kinda awkward compared to Nokia's handsets...

A high res picture of the Samsung can be found here:,2.html

Seems like the software is _really_ very similar to the N3650, which I like very, very much. Messaging is a bliss on that smart phone.
I have the t68i for a week, great phone, very smart thing!

I bought myself the cheapest bluetooth-usb-adapter and I didn't counted on it that it would work; the box said only for windows. But.. it worked as a charm, no software install! (ok except iSync)

Make sure the phone is in the same time-zone with the Mac when transferring iCal stuff, otherwise the times don't match! It cost me a few hours to find out ;-)
I got the T68i yesterday! Great phone. Now I can't wait to try it with my mac! (I recently paid cash at Fry's for the new 17 inch powerbook, but I returned it because I just got a new $4000 credit card, so I'm gonna buy it again at the Apple Store with it to support the Apple Store, but I'm in between returning the laptop and getting the new one, so I miss my mac!!!)
Mac User Group Singapore has a few of their members who have gotten the new T610 and they have successful had loads of fun with it... reportedly the new T610 is even BETTER than the T68i... P800 had some issues with working on the Mac... so becareful with the purchase decisions...
Yes! Now with iSync 1.1, my phone is fully supported! Plus, with QT 6.3, I can view the 3GPP movies my phone can make...

Man, I thought I'd have to wait until the middle of summer before these showed up.

I am one happy camper!
>I was wondering what you meant with
>using the t68i as a remote control?

With applications like Romeo and Sallinger Clicker (former SE Clicker) you canuse the phone to do stuff like steering the mouse, change volume, control itunes. Everything you can make an applescript for.
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
I just got the Nokia 3650 ( - $299 with $299 rebate, so essentially for free)...

Where...How did you get that deal? Share, share! I REALLY could use a free 3650 =)

Transferring images, video, business cards, and files to/from the phone works just fine. iSync support isn't there yet. It's rumored to be in the next release due out either later this month, or when Panther ships.

That's a pretty big difference, though - in one case, you're saying "late June", in the other, you're saying "at least September".

iSync support came early... Today, as a matter of fact. iCal support is still in the works and is listed as "coming soon"...

The phone was free through two rebates, one of which has expired. With new activation through T-Mobile, there was a $100 rebate that ended on 5/28. The $200 rebate runs though July, I believe (again with new activation).

Here's how big of a geek I am...

Now, with 3GP support in QT, I can transfer movies to my phone and play them on it's tiny screen. How well does it work? Well, I encoded the Matrix Reloaded trailer and it plays great (albeit squished) on the phone. Next up - get a larger MMC card (128MB to replace the 16MB card), ripping and encoding Fight Club to watch on the phone...

As I said, that's how big of a geek I am...

Ok so how big is the T610 compared to the T68i? Are they comparable or is the 610 the size of palm phone (yuck!)???