Bluetooth speakers PC ONLY??


I just bought some portable stereo speakers from which were advertised as for PC or mac. Upon arrival, the box says "for Windows XP or 2000 only". The catalog rep said the ad was a mistake and that the speakers won't work with a mac.

I'm confused. Not familiar with bluetooth yet, but isn't it just...bluetooth? If I'm using the D-link adapter, why should it matter which OS I'm running?

Can anyone recommend a good little set of bluetooth speakers that are compatible with a mac? Ibook G4 running 10.4.5.

Not sure. Haven't opened box as I was planning to return them. If it's worth a try...if it might work, I'll open them up and try it.
OS X is pretty good with peripherals.. so it's worth a try. I haven't ever heard of bluetooth speakers though, so I don't know if it even supports them. Better check their return policy before you open it up.