Bluetooth Wireless Apple Mouse


*nix Geek
Looking at some of the nice goodies apple has and the wireless mouse caught my eye. Wondering what those of you who have it (or have used it) think? I'm considering picking one up along with my Powerbook for those times when I use a mouse for gaming or other activties that the touchpad would just detract from.

Am I better off with a 3 button mouse for functionality (gaming wise)? I know it's expensive because it's apple, but I like it's sleek look and supposed ease of use. Aside from the price, what can you tell me?

Thanks :)
I love my apple bluetooth mouse. Then again i loved the hockey puck mice from Apple since they were actually the most ergonomic of any mouse out there, its just know one understood how to hold them. I've had mine for about 4 months now and have only replaced the batteries once. When ever guests come by I always put it on our glass coffee table and everyone thinks its artwork or something. I especially love it when doing presentations at work where I used to have to stand up next to the computer on the other side of the room... now I can control my keynote slides using the mouse from the conference table 20 feet away... the first time I used it, every one was like how did yo do that.