blueyonder (ntl UK)


i'm looking for a broadband isp in the UK .... i don't think that BT will ever get their act together, so i took a look at NTL's Blue Yonder broadband..

... they say that they support OS 9 , but Not OSX... has anyone tried it with OSX?
That seems an odd thing to say, given that basically all you need is software to drive your cable modem...

... I guess they mean they won't offer support for Mac users on OS X. In that case, stuff 'em!

There are plenty of other broadband ISPs out there...

BT Openworld only offer "all-in" ADSL solutions at the moment, despite trialling "DIY" (i.e. "wires only") ADSL solutions ages ago. By this I mean that they will come to your home and install ADSL for you, including the provision of a simple USB DSL modem.

However, their wholesale wires-only business kicked off a while back (you provide your own modem / router, which is much better, as you can link your whole network to ADSL that way), so you'll find there are plenty of ADSL broadband providers out there. Check out for the low-down of ISPs and how to get up and running -- they even have a Mac forum on there, and there are plenty of people using wires-only or BT-provided ADSL solutions with OS X.

I'm assuming your area caters for ADSL use of course.

My area is ADSL-enabled, but no dice with NTL / TeleWest... who keep mailing me about their broadband solutions anyway. Go figure! I don't have ADSL, so can't tell you much more. Just been looking into it as an alternative to commuting to work every day, given how crap trains are in the UK.

I use NTL, and have done for a while. As long as all the lights work on the front of the cable modem then you are up and running.

The service was a bit poor initially, with some downtime, but for the last six months it has been great.

If you have any specific questions then just let me know.

BTW I also use it with Airport, which they don't support either.

just to let you know.... went with Pipex Xtreme in the end.... offer a good professional service @ a v.good price... am paying £23 per month all in! + there was no install activation fee..... using the Speed Touch USB modem...